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Kevin Jones

Kevin Jones

Founder & Chief Home Organization Strategist


Home Organization & Decluttering, Efficient Cleaning Methods & Stain Removal, Sustainable Cleaning Practices, DIY Home Maintenance & Repairs, Space Optimization & Storage Solutions, Budget-Friendly Home Care Strategies


University of Texas at Austin

  • Bachelor of Science in Interior Design
  • Focus: Develops creative and technical expertise to design sustainable, functional interiors through studio projects in space planning, lighting, acoustics, systems integration, and design history.

Kevin Jones is the Founder and Chief Home Organization Strategist at

He earned a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design from the University of Texas at Austin, focusing on space planning and sustainable design. Specializing in home organization, decluttering, and budget-friendly home care, he helps homeowners create functional and stylish spaces.

Kevin has been featured in lifestyle publications and has collaborated with eco-friendly brands on home organization solutions. He shares his expertise through DIY guides, workshops, and online tutorials. Passionate about minimalism, he enjoys testing new organization methods and exploring sustainable living ideas.

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    1. Hello,

      First of all thanks for contacting me. Unfortunately, sometimes the sellers remain without stocks and it takes a while until they are are able to bring the product back.

      I have managed to find you another link for Sirena vacuum cleaner and you can get it here: Sirena Vacuum Exclusive Royal Line Pro

      I have updated the link on the post too. You will be able to purchase it if you hurry. However, I cannot help you with the Bissell one. It is a difficult time for stocks right now.

      This being said, if you were considering to pick one of the other, I suggest to go with the Sirena one. It is just as good and it is available.

      Let me know if I can be of any other help,

    1. Hello Lee Ann,

      First of all thanks for contacting me.

      No, if you decide to go with a Quantum X vacuum cleaner you won’t need a shampoo. All you have to do is fill it with water and you are good to go.

      Please don’t hesitate to contact me again if you have any other question.

      Kind regards,

      1. How does this unit replace a vacuum and shampooer? I have elderly dogs that have accidents in the house. Will this clean up the carpet accidents? Does the carpet get wet when you vacuum?

        Thanks for your help.

        1. Dear Cathy,

          First of all thanks for contacting me.

          If you want the best results you will have to own two distinct model. One for vacuuming and one for shampooing. However, these combos return great results nevertheless.

          I know all about carpet accidents. When my dog was a puppy it was clear that she preferred my fluffy carpet more than her pads. And during that period my water filtration vacuum cleaner was my best friend.

          Now regarding the water, it leaves a water film but it is too much to say that it wets the carpet.

          Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.

          Kind regards,

  1. I wouldn’t say water filtration is a “new player” …. it’s been around for decades. But I can attest to the durability of a Rainbow!! We bought one in the 80s and it is STILL GOING STRONG!

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for your comment.

      You are most definitely right. The water filtration vacuum cleaner is not truly a new concept. However, the technology used today is new and more powerful. That’s why it is becoming more and more popular, and I called it the “new player”.

      Hopefully, you will find my content helpful and informative.

      Have a great weekend, and please stay safe.

        1. Dear Gene,

          Thank you for your comment.

          Unfortunately, I haven’t used and reviewed the Oceana Machine yet. However, I will include this machine in my future reviews, so please follow the page for updates.

          Have a lovely day and stay safe.

          Kind regards,

    2. I bought a 70’s model off Kijiji and it still runs perfectly. It picks up everything. The only thing I had to do was replace the cord when it frayed. Water vacuums are more of a hassle (filling and emptying the water) but I love that I can put a drop of lavender Lysol in with the water and the room smells so fresh. And none of that nasty smell that air vacuums leave. The weight when carrying up and down stairs is a factor but the benefits are worth it. Another benefit of the water vacuums is, if you vacuum up something you didn’t intend to, you can easily rescue it when you empty out the water reservoir.

      1. Hello Pat,

        First of all thanks for taking your time to write your experience. It is very important for me to interact with my readers. Furthermore, I think it is very helpful for the other readers to see what other people are experiencing with the devices they may consider buying.

        So, thank you again for your comment and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question.

        Kind regards,

  2. Hey thanks for the info, I was a bit curious, as one of my crafting hobbies includes lots of fine dust particles, plaster dust and some plastic dust grindings also.
    Do any of these water vacuums filter such plaster dust , and I’ve been looking for something that filters all the way down to 1 micron… can any of these do the job ? Thank you

    1. Hello Michel,

      First of all thanks for contacting me. You will need a model that also has HEPA filters. HEPA filters take in particles up to 0.3 microns so they will not have any issue with 1 micron. There are 3 models in this articles that have both water & HEPA filters. Start looking into them.

      If you have any additional questions regarding these vacuum cleaners, please don’t hesitate to write to me again.

      Kind regards,

  3. Kevin,
    Thanks for your excellent reviews detailing pros and cons. Thanks also for responding so promptly.
    I just saw an ad for QUANTUUM X & wanted an independent, unbiassed review (hopefully, you’re not representing any brand).
    I hate housework and want an easy vacuum to use for my hardwood floors in the kitchen/dining area and in the family room which also has an area rug. The stairs & bedroom rooms have wall to wall carpet, a guest room with laminate flooring and bathrooms that are tiled.
    In the advertised Quantuum X video, there was no need to make changes for the different floorings as it was “automatically sensored”. That is a plus for me.
    I’m a petite person so lugging any vacuum up & down the stairs is enough to leave the stairs alone!!!
    I’m wondering how often the water needs to be changed i.e. after each room? after cleaning the whole house which could be 7 rooms.
    Await your feedback.
    p.s. do you review other products?

    1. Dear Sue,

      First of all thank you for the trust. No, I am not representing any brand and I am more than happy to give you my unbiased opinion.

      About the automatically adjustments, everything you read is true. It adjust itself depending on the the floor heights.

      On the other hand, I can’t give you an exact number of times you need to change the water. This depends on the room’s size and the time of use. However, I can tell you that I manage to clean a floor without refilling the tank. That is 2 bedrooms, an office and a bathroom.

      What do you mean when you say “other products”? Other water filtration vacuum cleaners or other products in general? As you can see, this website is full of cleaning products reviews which I hope will come handy.

      Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.

      Kind regards,

  4. Hi Kevin,

    I noticed that you didn’t mention the Ritella Vacumn Cleaner. Do you have any thoughts regarding this machine? I currently have a Rainbow but I’m considering an upgrade.


    1. Dear Gregory,

      First of all thanks for contacting me. I have mix feelings about this vacuum cleaner. I like that it is self propelled and you don’t have to lift it when using it.

      However, I find it somehow expensive and hard to assembly. If you don’t follow the exact instructions, you risk to discover it doesn’t function right.

      I would confess it is not among my top favorite models, but that doesn’t mean it is just an opinion. I recommend you to check some tutorials as the one below and see if you could handle its set up every time you want to use it.

      Kind regards,

  5. Hello Sir,
    I was interested in a rainbow vacuum but as you well know the price is too high. can you tell me if the Sirena vacuum has the same suction power as a rainbow would?

    1. Dear Naaman,

      First of all thanks for contacting me. The Rainbow vacuum cleaner has a motor power of 1150 watts, while the Sirena one has only 1000 watts. However, I can guarantee you that it is more than enough and you won’t be disappointed by the Sirena experience.

      Please don’t hesitate to contact me again for further information.

      Kind regards,

  6. Hi Kevin,

    What do you think about the Hyla vacuums? I have a GST and the motor went bad after almost 6 years. The warranty was 5 years. $350 for a new motor or $1,500 to trade in for a EST with a 10 year warranty. Thanks for the reviews.


    1. Dear Maximilian,

      First of all thanks for contacting me.

      I think that Hyla vacuums are qualitative, but just as all products they can get broken in time. If you like using in it, then you should change its motor.

      However, after a device gets broken it will never be the same as a new one. If you can afford buying a new vacuum, then my opinion is that you should do it.

      Kind regards,

  7. I’m interested in which cleaner has attachment to also cleans ceramic floors, grout and micro fiber couches.

    1. Dear JA,

      First of all thanks for contacting me.

      If I were you, I would go with either the New 2-Speed Sirena model or the Rainbow one. They both have attachments that will suite any surface you wish to clean.

      Let me know if I can be of any other assistance.

      Kind regards,

  8. I have a Big Power vacuum that is about 25 years old and the motor on the power head quit working. I can’t find that they make them any more and was wondering which of your recommendations is close to the same size if you know?

  9. Hi Kevin!

    Thanks for this write-up. Really helpful. Can the Karcher DC 6.000 be used as an air cleaner or purifier as well?

    I understand that it only has one mode of operation and to use a water filter vacuum cleaner as an air purifier, you would need a lower speed more of operation. But I also understand from a Sirena salesperson that you can put the Sirena on turbo mode for 20 minutes and use it to purify the air in the room (apparently it would have clean it 30 times by then). By the same logic, I would think the Karcher DC 6.000 can be used the same way? Love to hear your thoughts on this.

    Many thanks

    1. Dear Renny,

      First of all, thanks for reaching out!

      Yes, you can use Karcher DC 6000 as an air cleaner or purifier well. It doesn’t only deliver a thoroughly vacuum-cleaned home but also ensures 99% fresher and cleaner air.

      Give it a try and share your experience.

      Kind regards,

  10. Hello, Kevin.

    I am a fan of your reviews, so thanks! I read this a while back and wanted to try the Quantum Canister vacuum. It appears they don’t make them anymore?? They are not for sale on the company’s website and not in stock on Amazon. Would you say the Sirena would be the next best choice for a canister to suit me? Thanks

    1. Dear Jaz,

      First of all thank you for contacting me and for your kind words.

      I am aware that at this moment, unfortunately, Quantum canister vacs are not to be found and I hope that this situation will be resolved.

      So, to answer your question, I definitely recommend the Sirena model. Truth be told, I like it even better.

      Let me know if I can be of any other help.

      Kind regards,

  11. Hello, thanks for taking the time to write the article. It is much appreciated.
    Do you know of any company that makes a water filtered shop vacuum? Thank you.

    1. Dear Vance,

      First of all thanks for contacting me.

      There are no shop vacs that works completely on water filtration. The reason for this is simple. A water filter could shot out the motor and that is not a thing to be desired.

      However, there are some hybrid systems that use water to trap some dust particles, but not all of them. You can check out this Vacmaster model because it has this capability

      If you prefer an upright model, then you can check out Quantum X since it does pretty much the same.

      Hope this helps!

      Kind regards,

  12. Hi. I have marbled floor in some parts of the house and wooden floor in some parts. We also have large carpets in the house. Have two kids who throw things around the house. Which system would you suggest I get to clean the different flooring and the carpets. TIA.

    1. Thanks.

      Dear Tharangini,

      First of all thanks for contacting me.

      I would go with the Rainbow model if I were you. It is versatile, powerful and very easy to use.

      Let me know if you have any tother questions.

      Kind regards,

    1. Dear David,

      Unfortunately, water filtration vacuum cleaners are not suited to be used as shop vacs. Even the Sirena model which is by far the best out there specifically says that you should not use it for sawdust picking.

      I strongly suggest to check out models that were manufactured exactly for that purpose.

      Kind regards,

  13. Thank you so much for your thoughtful reviews. I currently have a dyson but grew up in a household with rainbow vacuums. The reason i switched to dyson is because i have so many stairs and lugging the canister up those stairs became cumbersome. I miss the water filtration though. What do you recommend for someone who has lots of stairs (tri-level) part hard wood part carpeted. The bedrooms are carpet as well. Thank you!

  14. Thank you so much for this! I am officially torn between the Quantum X and the Sirena.

    I am wondering about maintenance on these machines however. Is calcium buildup an issue? I received a Rainbow humidifier and the deposit buildup is a pain. What are the processes on cleaning/maintaining these machines?

    Thanks again!!

    1. Dear Kathryn,

      Thank you for your kind words.

      The best water filtration vacuum for you depends on your needs and preferences.

      For instance, Quantum makes a great choice for hard-to-reach places. It traps the dirt in the water. However, calcium buildup depends on the water that you’re using at home.

      There is a certain degree of calcium in well water. The same goes for Sirena. It’s a mighty unit and will trap more dirt than most machines. It’s also covered by a 10-year warranty.

      They’re both easy to maintain with no dusty smells. Also, they’re easy to take apart and put together. Please, check this and this video on how to clean both units.

      Have a lovely day and stay safe.

      Kind regards,

  15. Between the rainbow and the sirena which do you think does a better job between carpet? My house is mostly deep carpet with living room and bathroom being hardwood floors. Trying to find the best for both surfaces. I know you said sirena is good for all, i did read some of the reviews on the Amazon listings you’ve posted and it seems like all the reviews that talks about carpet gave it a thumbs down?

  16. Back in the early 90′ when I was just out of high school I was a Rainbow salesman. I sold a lot of them especially to family and friends. To this day all the machines I sold to family and friends is still running great and never had any issues! The only reason I got out of it was because the outside sales company I worked for was dishonest and screwed over some of my customers. To this day I honestly feel that any Rainbow vacuum is absolutely superior to any filter system other than water! I don’t know about the quality of any other vacuum with a water filtration system but as far as I’m concerned the Rainbow vacuum system is absolutely the best! There is a little more work because you have to fill and dump the water but if you want a superior system you will be happy with a Rainbow. Plus there system was obviously built with quality parts and I honestly don’t see how they could have improved the system that they sold back in the 1990’s so I would never hesitate to buy one of the older units as the new ones are very expensive. Even back then they were $1500. You can buy those older units for practicality nothing now days.

    1. Dear John,

      Thank you for your input.

      I agree with you. The rainbow vacuum system is one of the best water filtration system. That’s why I gave it a spot on this list.

      Have a lovely day and stay safe.

      Kind regards,

    1. Dear Marsha,

      Thank you for your comment.

      The Quantum Vac Advanced Water Filtration System is currently unavailable. I am not sure when the product will back in stock. I will keep you updated when I have new information.

      Kind regards,

  17. Hello. I am completely blind, and I wanted to know which water filtration vacuum I should use. Or do you think that my lack of useful vision means that I should avoid these?
    Thank you so much.

    1. Dear Hilary,

      Thank you for your comment.

      I don’t think that because of your condition, you should avoid water filtration vacuums. They help clean the air and they’re allergy-friendly. They’re also great for pet hair and wet messes.

      I would recommend the Sirena 2-Speed Newest Model Exclusive Vacuum since it’s one of the best ones on the market. It’s loaded with a HEPA filter, a powerful 1200-watt motor, and 2-speed modes.

      However, if you’re on a budget, opt for Kalorik Water Filter Vacuum. It’s just as powerful as the previous model with a 1200-watt motor. It’s easy to maneuver and has a cyclonic water filtration system.

      Hope this helps! Have a nice day.

      Kind regards,