Must-Try Homemade Whiteboard Cleaner Recipes That Really Work!
A homemade whiteboard cleaner is a wise option if you’re getting into trouble with cleaning your whiteboard. You wasted hours finding an optimal cleaner because commercial products tend to cause moisture loss or irritation on your skin.
Someone lets the marker sit too long, unintentionally uses a permanent feature, or even scratches it; thus, it is hard to remove marker ink hiding in these scratches.
Don’t worry. This article will resolve all of your problems. It will give you a variety of whiteboard cleaner options and some surprising tips.
Let’s go exploring!

Types Of Whiteboard Cleaner
You can choose a whiteboard from 3 types: melamine, glass, and porcelain. Although they are made from different materials, you can apply the same cleaning solution to them.
Glass Whiteboards
Glass whiteboards typically don’t have an outside border. They are made of non-porous glass, which can resist staining or ghosting. That’s why it is the most expensive whiteboard.
Porcelain Whiteboards
Because porcelain whiteboards are made of ceramic and steel, they are magnetic. And the ink from markers won’t absorb, which keeps the board from being stained.
Melamine Whiteboards
Melamine whiteboards are the most widely used and most affordable compared to the two others. Because they are made of plastic, they aren’t magnetic, easily scratched, and leave stains or ghosts after use.
4 Reasons You Should Use Homemade Whiteboard Cleaners.
Commercial cleaners can remove marks from your whiteboard in a blink, but why do you come to homemade cleaners instead of those ones. I’m sure that your reasons are similar to mine, right? Let’s explore together.
- Homemade whiteboard cleaners are inexpensive and eco-friendly for the environment. They’ve much lower prices compared to commercial cleaning products as they are available in your pantry.
- Chemical cleaners contain potential toxins for the environment, so choosing DIY cleaning solutions is a wise choice.
- Making DIY whiteboard cleaners is safer. Unlike cleaning products in stores, they help you lessen the exposure to icky substances which cause skin irritants and respiratory disruptors.
- Last but not least, doing homemade cleaners is easy and fun. Believe me; these recipes will help you enjoy your cleaning a lot.
15 Homemade Cleaning Options For Your Whiteboard
A homemade whiteboard cleaner is the best option for anyone who wants to find a chemical-free cleaner and save money on cleaning supplies.
You can benefit from this DIY solution and make your whiteboard look new again.
You can use various recipes instead of mass-produced whiteboard cleaners like alcohol ( rubbing/ isopropyl alcohol), nail polish remover, glass/ eyeglass cleaner, vinegar to brighten your board.
I will not waste your valuable time anymore; let’s dive into the most-expected section right now.
1. Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol helps you to clean a whiteboard without any effort. Isopropyl alcohol is effective in killing pathogens, fighting fungus and viruses. It also is an excellent bactericidal treatment.
Here is the way: Damp a paper towel or cloth with rubbing alcohol, then use the towel to run over the surface. The alcohol will evaporate completely for about 30 minutes. However, if you want to use your whiteboard before, wipe down the board with a dry cloth.
Rubbing Alcohol makes your cleaning work more effortless than ever.
2. Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer contains about at least 60% alcohol (1). Therefore, hand cleaners also can clean whiteboard surfaces and defeat bacteria as well.
If there isn’t any bottle of isopropyl alcohol available in your home, you can replace it with a hand sanitizer.
You only need to apply the hand sanitizer directly to the marks and use a paper towel to spread the liquid to cover the entire area. Then allow it to sit for a half minute and wipe the board with the towel.
3. Nail Polish Remover
In addition to wiping away nail polish, it works well for cleaning purposes. It works well on whiteboards and is easy to find in every family.
However, many nail polish removers are made of acetone (also known as propanone), which is not good for the whiteboard surface, so you should use non-acetone nail removers.
To remove marks from your whiteboard, let’s apply a little nail polish remover directly onto a microfiber cloth and clean the surface. All your marks will be wiped away.
4. Baby Wipe
Baby wipes mostly contain a bit of water and other preservatives that can kill bacteria. That makes baby wipes helpful in cleaning. Also, the wipes are designed for babies, which means they don’t have any toxic chemicals which can damage your whiteboard.
Rub the wipes vigorously over the old marks until the stains are removed. You can use another wipe if the marks are too stubborn.
5. Soap
Don’t wait until your board is full of markings; you should regularly clean it with mild soap. Every week is recommended.
Soap is a good detergent, and it appears in every bathroom. So, why don’t you use it instead of other cleaners?
Mix soap with water to make a soapy mixture and dip the soft cloth into the liquid. Next, scrub your board several times until the specks of dirt are totally cleaned. Don’t forget to dry your board with a soft, clean cloth.
6. Hairspray
A hairspray cleans as effectively as a proper cleaner. Let’s see how to do it.
Spray the hairspray on the whiteboard and let it sit for a few minutes (2 minutes are recommended). It’s better to wash or wipe the surface with warm soapy water before the hair spray becomes sticky.
7. A Versatile Cleaner-Vinegar
Vinegar is the most common and cheapest cleaner with excellent results. The acid in vinegar can wipe away markings and specks of dirt that stain on your whiteboard.
Simply spray vinegar on the board and wipe with a clean cloth. And ensure to wipe it thoroughly to remove all leftover acid from vinegar.
For a more stained whiteboard, you can try to mix one cup of water and one cup of vinegar in a spray bottle. Then apply directly on the board, let the liquid sit for a few minutes, and wipe away using a damp cloth.
Another way to apply vinegar is to add 1 teaspoon of vinegar per cup of water. Then damp microfiber cloth to run over marks on the whiteboard.
8. Non-Greasy Hand Lotion
Apply non-greasy hand lotion to a towel and wipe across the surface. To get a like-new surface, you need to clean again with a soft rag.
9. White Shoe Polish
You may have never heard about that, right? But a white shoe polish can erase stains from whiteboards. Boot polish may be a waxy paste, cream, or liquid, used to shine leather shoes. So, it works the same on whiteboard surfaces.
Put a small amount of non-color shoe polish on a clean cloth. Gently wipe on stains or old marks, then clean again with a clean, soft cloth.
10. Windex
If there is not any white shoe polish available around you, Windex can substitute for it. Windex is also an effective cleaner. Similar to using shoe polish, you simply spray Windex onto a soft cloth, then wipe it on the board’s surface to eliminate all stains.
11. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide, formed by the combination and reaction between hydrogen (H2) and oxygen(O2), is the world’s safest and all-natural disinfectant. It has the same cleaning role as alcohol or hand sanitizer.
Pour peroxide directly onto a microfiber cloth. Rub the surface until the dirt comes off. To eliminate stubborn stains, spray the solution on the board, and wait until the ink has been dissolved. Then you can end up with a dry rag.
12. Restore Your Whiteboard With Old Dryer Sheet
Don’t throw away dryer sheets after doing your laundry because they can help clean your whiteboard. Though they can’t feel slick, they can still be soft and used a second time. Keep in mind that this method is the most effective for ink on a whiteboard in less than 24 hours.
The softness of sheets can remove marks easily. Wipe directly on the area to be cleaned. Scrubbing is necessary if your board still has old smudges.
13. Use An Eraser Marker
If you accidentally use a permanent marker on your whiteboard, follow the steps below:
Use an erasable marker to write over the old marks; remember to cover them properly. Then immediately wipe away all prints with a soft cloth. Now you can remove all new and old marks. Repeat the process if necessary.
Only in three simple steps, the permanent ink will be lifted out.
14. WD-40
WD-40 is mainly made of light oil and vaseline, helping the board to be slick and more erasable. Therefore, it is one of the best treatments for cleaning whiteboards. First, you use a soft paper towel and remove as many old marks as possible.
Spray directly WD-40 onto the board, then wipe with a cloth. After cleaning, there will be a slick on your board, and you can write on it.
Let’s see how WD-40 works on cleaning whiteboards.
15. Surprising Usage Of Toothpaste
Caption: Surprise! Toothpaste can be a whiteboard cleaner.
You can use non-abrasive toothpaste to clean your board since it won’t leave scratches and ruin the surface.
Squirt toothpaste onto the surface; then use a rag to gently rub it to remove all stains on the whiteboard. Lastly, wipe the board entirely with a clean cloth.
What Cannot Clean Whiteboard – Fake Results
You might have heard more than once that baking soda, coffee, comet, ben-gay, or glass cleaner are effective for cleaning whiteboards. But they are not true. They are corrosive substances or abrasive cleaners which may harm the whiteboard surfaces.
Applying them to your board will scrub away the coating and gradually destroy its surface.
Effective Tips To Help You Extend Whiteboard Shelf Life
You should care for your whiteboard to allow you to work effortlessly, and your whiteboard looks like a new one for years. Don’t skip this section because prevention is better than cure.
Use Suitable Markers
This is the most important thing you can do to keep your board always in good condition. A suitable marker means a dry-erase pen or an erasable one. Ensure you don’t use Sharpies or highlighters on the board since they are difficult to remove and leave you a ruined surface.
Clean Your Board Regularly
After choosing the perfect one for your whiteboard, cleaning your board regularly is also crucial. I suggest that you should wipe your board both daily and weekly to prevent it from being stained.
- Remember to clean your whiteboard right after using it
- Clean the surface with soft moistened cloth with warm water
- Wipe the board with a dry clean duster after using a dampened cloth.
- The more you write on the board, the more you need to clean it. If you use a whiteboard every day, you should clean it with a homemade cleaner a few times a week.
- Wipe the surface with a moistened cloth with a high-quality or homemade whiteboard cleaner. Wipe the surface dry with a clean cloth.
- When you buy a new whiteboard, it will come with maintenance instructions; make sure you follow this guide to care for your board.
- If your board is magnetic, never slide magnets on it since they will scratch the surface.
- Only use Goo Gone to remove sticker or tape stains on the whiteboard.
- It may take a certain time, but it will be better if you wait until the ink dries completely/ The board can be stained when you erase wet ink.
Clean Whiteboard Eraser
Whiteboard duster is frequently used, so it should often be cleaned to help it last for longer. The way is super easy.
Caption: A dirty cleaner is a reason why you can no longer erase your whiteboard.
Damp the duster into the water and brush it lightly. Make sure you remove as much dust as possible. In the next step, mix your mild detergent with water and dip a brush (a soft bristle is preferable) in the mixture, and scrub the duster.
Finally, rinse it with cold water, and you can use it when it dries completely.
Clean the felt only if necessary. Excessive cleaning may spoil your whiteboard eraser. Don’t use hot water or harsh chemicals on the duster.
If you are still not sure about whiteboard cleaning, keep reading these frequent questions. You may find them helpful.
The Ultimate Trick
Are all your questions about how to make a homemade whiteboard cleaner clear now? I hope so. The key to cleaning the whiteboard effectively is to choose suitable recipes to clean your board frequently.
Don’t forget to follow maintenance tips to keep your board always in good condition. If you find this helpful article, give me a thumbs up and leave your comments. Remember to share this post with anyone who needs it. Love you all!
Kevin Jones
Founder & Chief Home Organization Strategist
Home Organization & Decluttering, Efficient Cleaning Methods & Stain Removal, Sustainable Cleaning Practices, DIY Home Maintenance & Repairs, Space Optimization & Storage Solutions, Budget-Friendly Home Care Strategies
University of Texas at Austin
Kevin Jones is the Founder and Chief Home Organization Strategist at
He earned a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design from the University of Texas at Austin, focusing on space planning and sustainable design. Specializing in home organization, decluttering, and budget-friendly home care, he helps homeowners create functional and stylish spaces.
Kevin has been featured in lifestyle publications and has collaborated with eco-friendly brands on home organization solutions. He shares his expertise through DIY guides, workshops, and online tutorials. Passionate about minimalism, he enjoys testing new organization methods and exploring sustainable living ideas.