8 Easy DIY Wood Floor Cleaners That Sparkle & Shine
With a little knowledge and some common household products, you can make a homemade wood floor cleaner. I prefer DIY floor cleaners because they’re earth-friendly and cheap.
If you’re open to the idea of taking some time of your day to create a floor cleaner, this article is for you.
Grab your microfiber mop, a spray bottle, and a few ingredients from your kitchen, and show your floors some love. I will share a few natural cleaners along with cleaning tips & tricks.
What Is the Best Homemade Cleaner for Wood Floors?
I have a laminate floor at home and I can say that wooden floors don’t need much maintenance. Most of the time, a bit of lukewarm water and your favorite mop will do the trick.
However, if you want to step up your cleaning game, find the right wood floor cleaning and enjoy a fresh floor at all times. You can either purchase or prepare a homemade wood floor cleaner.
I prefer homemade wood floor cleaners because they’re budget-friendly, safe, and easy to prepare. And most of them include common household ingredients such as the following.
1. White Vinegar
As I already stated, water is one of the key ingredients of homemade wood cleaner recipes. You can mix water with white vinegar and your favorite essential oil (I use lavender essential oil).
Simply mix lukewarm water and some white vinegar. Then, apply the mixture with a microfiber mop or a cleaning machine for floors. If you’re dealing with a grimy floor, add some plant-based liquid soap to the mix. It’s a common household ingredient that will do wonders for your grimy wood floors.
I highly recommend including essential oils in your homemade wood floor cleaner because vinegar has a strong smell. However, it’s nothing that a few drops of essential oil can’t neutralize.
2. Vegetable Oil
If you believe in the cleaning power of vinegar but don’t want to use water on your wooden floors, mix it with vegetable oil instead. This cleaning solution will give your floors a beautiful shine.
3. Your Favorite Tea
Tea is a cheap way to add shine and luster to your wood floors, so the next time you make tea, just brew a few extra bags and use them to clean your floors instead of purchasing a floor cleaner.
4. Olive Oil
Mix hot water, olive oil, and lemon juice, and you will get a powerful wood floor cleaner that will restore your tired floors. It sounds like a salad dressing but it works like a wood floor cleaner.
5. Dish Detergent
If you have laminate flooring as I do, then the next floor cleaner that includes dish detergent, hot water, and some white vinegar is for you.
You can apply the solution with a sponge or microfiber mop. However, before you apply it, make sure to vacuum up any dirt with a vacuum cleaner for laminate floors.
Extra tip: Clean spills right away. Never let any liquid remain on the top of the floor. And keep your pet’s nails trimmed to prevent scratching.
6. Borax
Borax is just another alkali cleaning agent that helps to remove oil and grease. Once a common cleaning product, Borax lost popularity with the appearance of modern cleaning products. It’s just as powerful as a commercial cleaner and can be utilized to make cleaning pastes, sprays, and scrubs.
7. Ammonia
As a cleaning agent, ammonia is one of the strongest products out there. It can lift grime and grease for a streak-free shine. However, it’s very potent, so you should be careful when utilizing it.
Always wear protective gear with utilizing ammonia and work in a well-ventilated area. Warning: Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach. The mix will produce dangerous and toxic chlorine gas.
8. Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol doesn’t only act as a disinfectant but also makes a good cleaning agent. Also known as isopropyl alcohol, this substance also speeds up the evaporation rate to decrease the possibility of water damage from the remaining liquid on your wood floors.
9. Essential Oils
Essential oils can help you clean your home in different ways. You can add your favorite essential oil in a homemade all-purpose cleaner to neutralize the smell of other ingredients. Orange and lemon essential oils work best for wood floors.
10. Commercial Wood Floor Cleaner
If you don’t have the time to prepare a homemade wood floor cleaner, opt for a good commercial wood floor cleaner. Sometimes, store-bought wood floor cleaners can do more for your floors than a DIY wood cleaner thanks to the special formula.
Watch this video to know more:
5 Tools for Cleaning with Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner
These DIY wood cleaning recipes won’t work on their own. You will need high-quality tools for cleaning with homemade wood floor cleaner such as the following.
Dust Mop
Dust mops are versatile tools for hardwood floors that can be used for cleaning homes and offices. It’s a lightweight tool with adjustable handles to match your height that will keep your floor dust-free without causing any damage. Hardwood floors are sensitive, so investing in a dust mop will extend their life.
Vacuum Cleaner
The right vacuum cleaner can help you remove the large chunks of dirt and debris before you apply the wood floor cleaner. If you have both hardwood floors and carpets, opt for a quality vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors and carpets.
Otherwise, choose a regular vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors. When shopping for a vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors, consider the mobility, versatility, and storage space.
Microfiber Mop
Hardwood floors are sensitive. Meaning, you will need something soft and non-abrasive like a microfiber mop to keep them spotless and damage-free. The best part? The heads of microfiber mops can be put in the washing machine, so you can reuse them over and over again and save money.
Steam Mop
If you’re on a budget, you can invest in a standard mop for hardwood floors. However, if you have a few extra bucks to spend, buy a steam mop for hardwood floors. A high-quality steam mop will remove both dirt and scuffs, take less time and hassle and leave your wood floors smelling fresh.
This cleaning tool isn’t mandatory but it’s still nice to have around your home. It’s quite popular among homeowners because it’s cheap, easy to use, and if well-maintained, it will last longer. Opt for a broom for hardwood floors with gentle bristles that will trap dirt but won’t cause scratches.
8 Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner Recipes
If you don’t like wood floors, we can’t be friends.
Just kidding! However, the benefits of wood floors can’t be denied. They’re low-maintenance, don’t cost a fortune, and give every property a cozy yet contemporary vibe.
Although they don’t need a lot of maintenance, they still require proper and regular cleaning as this can extend their lifespan and prevent different stains from setting in.
You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a commercial wood floor cleaner. Instead, opt for one of the following cheap and effective homemade wood floor cleaners.
The best part? They consist of common ingredients.
Recipe 1: The Ultimate Multi-Purpose Wood Floor Cleaner
If you don’t have any specific cleaning needs due to the variety of flooring in your home, this all-purpose floor cleaner is the perfect choice for you. You save space in your cleaning supplies cabinet and time. But most importantly, you will save money. And who doesn’t want that?
- ½ cup white vinegar
- 5-10 drops of lemon juice or essential oil
- 1/8 tablespoon dish soap (without oils, bleach, or moisturizers)
- ¼ cup rubbing alcohol
- 2 cups warm water
For tougher messes:
- 1 cup of water
- 5-10 drops of lemon juice or essential oil
- 1/8 tablespoon dish soap (without oils, bleach, or moisturizers)
- ½ cup rubbing alcohol
- ½ cup white vinegar
Add the ingredients to a spray bottle and get to work. Keep in mind that since this cleaning solution has vinegar, it’s not suitable for natural stone flooring.
Recipe 2: Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner With White Vinegar
When it comes to cleaning with homemade cleaners, white vinegar takes part in almost any DIY cleaning recipe. It’s a versatile product. And surprise, surprise, it’s also great for cleaning wood floors.
- Small bucket
- A few drops of a lemon or orange essential oil
- ½ cup of white vinegar
- 1 gallon of hot water
Mix all the ingredients in a small bucket. Then, add a couple of drops of orange or lemon essential oil, or any other oil by your choosing to the solution if you prefer scented cleaners.
Dip a mop in the wood floor cleaner and squeeze it dry. Wipe the cleaner across the floors while rinsing the mop occasionally. Finally, take a clean, dry cloth to wipe out any moisture.
Recipe 3: Hardwood Floor Cleaner With Your Favorite Tea
Tea isn’t just for drinking. It’s a super-effective wood floor cleaner as well, especially black tea. That said, let’s learn how to transform your favorite tea into your favorite wood floor cleaner.
- Pot
- 4 cups of water
- 3 tea bags
Apply 4 cups of cold water in a pot and bring it to a boil. Then, take it off the heat and add the tea bags. Let it sit for about 10 minutes. Remove the tea bags and dip a hardwood floor mop cleaning pad or soft cotton cloth into the tea. Wipe the floor down and wipe out any moisture with a dry cloth.
Recipe 4: Super-Effective DIY Hardwood Floor Spot Cleaner
If you’re looking for a great spot cleaner for your wood floors, look no further than the following recipe. It’s easy to make and includes only two common kitchen ingredients.
- Vinegar
- Linseed oil
Mix equal parts of linseed oil and white vinegar. Then, simply wipe your wood floor utilizing the solution and buff the floor utilizing a rag. It’s a cheap and effective spot cleaner.
Recipe 5: Homemade Cleaner for Greasy Wood Floors
If you’re dealing with a greasy wood floor, then Dawn is the ideal solution for you. As you already know, dish soap is the ultimate grease fighter. Meaning, if you include this ingredient in your cleaner, it will do wonders for your greasy floors.
- Warm water
- Liquid dish soap
- White vinegar
First and foremost, fill a clean spray bottle with warm water. Then, apply a couple of drops of liquid dish soap and a cap full of white vinegar. Spray the places that need cleaning and wipe or mop the floor with a microfiber. Wipeout any moisture with a clean, dry cloth afterward.
Recipe 6: DIY Hardwood Cleaner for a Wood Floor That Shines
This wood floor cleaner not only destroys grim but leaves hardwood floors with a lovely shine. Meaning, if you want to save money on polish, follow the next cleaning steps.
- ¾ cup of olive oil
- 1 gallon of warm water
- ½ cup of lemon juice
This recipe is perfect for people who can’t stand the strong smell of vinegar. It’s just as effective as white vinegar cleaners. Simply mix the ingredients in a bucket of warm water and dip your mop in the solution. Wring it out well. Mop your floor and let it air-dry for the best results.
Recipe 7: The Best Homemade Hardwood Floor Polish
If you want to add some shine to your old, tired wood floors, use the following recipe. It’s great for both cleaning and polishing wood floors.
- Olive oil
- White vinegar
- Warm water
This combination can do wonders for your floors. You can even add a few drops of essential oil into the mix. If your floor is too slick after using it, wipe up any remaining oil with a dry cloth.
Recipe 8: DIY Wood Floor Cleaner for Disinfecting
If you have wooden flooring in your bathroom or any other room that needs good, regular disinfecting, don’t worry. I have just the solution for you.
- Mop bucket
- 1 gallon of hot water
- ¼ cup of Borax
Put all the ingredients in a mop bucket and stir them well. Then, wipe or mop your floor with this strong cleaning solution. It will clean up even the worst messes and disinfect your wood floor at the same time. The best part? You don’t need to rinse afterward.
How Do You Clean and Shine Hardwood Floors Naturally?
You can easily find a hardwood floor cleaner on the market. However, if you want to save some money, I would suggest making a floor cleaner at home with common and cheap ingredients.
Most commercial floor cleaners not only have chemicals that can irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory system, but they’re also expensive. They’re toxic if ingested, so they’re not safe to use.
If you have pets or small kids often playing or eating off the hardwood floor, or you’re an advocate for a green home, avoid commercial floor cleaners. A 32-ounce bottle of hardwood floor cleaner costs around $7-$20 while the homemade floor cleaner can provide a 32-ounce solution for about $15.
However, not all-natural cleaning recipes make a great choice for hardwood floors. For instance, vinegar and lemon can damage the urethane finish, giving your floors a dull look if used too often.
Also, intense scrubbing either with baking soda or some other cleaning tool can strip the finish. The best homemade wood floor cleaners will lift grease without damaging the finish of your floors.
What Is the Best Way to Clean a Wooden Floor?
Once you’ve picked the homemade wood floor cleaner recipe you would like to use, you’re ready to get going. The following steps can help you restore your floors and bring back their shine.
Vacuum up Any Dirt and Debris
First and foremost, vacuum or sweep up any dirt and debris that’s present on your floors. Remove chairs and furniture that could get in your way and you would like to clean under. Also, take some time to wipe down baseboards utilizing a damp rag.
Apply the Floor Cleaner Using a Spray Bottle
I typically use a spray bottle to apply the floor cleaner. It’s easy and effective. Just spray in a small batch as you work your way across the room, making sure to keep your microfiber mop wet and flexible as you go. If you don’t own a spray bottle, just apply it directly on the floor in small places.
Let it Dry Completely
Preferably, each part of your wood floor should be completely dry in 30 minutes or so. If it takes longer than that, you probably utilized too much floor cleaner. If it’s dry in less than 5 minutes, you likely could have utilized a bit more. Therefore, utilize as much as you feel it’s the right amount.
Wax Your Floor
Add a liquid wax for hardwood floors directly to the rag and work it into the floor, creating small circles, as if you were waxing a vehicle.
Watch this video to know more:
Do’s and Don’ts for Cleaning Wood Floors
Although wood floors aren’t high-maintenance floors, there are still some important things to consider when cleaning them. The following tips can help you extend the life of your floors.
- Clean right away as any mess happens.
- Use floor-cleaning products recommended by the manufacturer or safe homemade wood floor cleaners. Or opt for plain water and soap. If the recommended cleaner is difficult to find or very expensive, try some of the homemade wood floor cleaners mentioned above.
- Test a new cleaner on a small hidden spot before utilizing it on the rest of the floor.
- Sweep or dust your floor regularly as this will make your deep cleaning a lot easier.
- Use furniture pads to secure the wood floor from scratches.
- Don’t use plain ammonia, abrasive cleaners, or alkaline products.
- Don’t use water-based cleaners on hardwood or unsealed floors with a poor protective coat.
- Don’t use furniture sprays, waxes, or oils. Oils leave a residue while furniture sprays make floors slippery. Waxes, on the other hand, take forever to apply and make recoating hard.
- Don’t use solutions that contain vinegar or lemon juice too often.
Sparkly Clean
Preparing a homemade wood floor cleaning is a walk in the park.
You can either pick some of the recipes that I listed in this article or experiment on your own. However, before using anything on your floor, make sure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.
Always start with a test in a hidden spot. Apply the cleaner and utilize it as suggested. And if you notice a difference in the color, discard it and try something else. How do you keep your wood floors clean?
Feel free to share your cleaning tips and tricks in the comments. Also, don’t forget to share this valuable information with your loved ones and social media friends. Help others save some money too!
Cleaning wood floors with homemade floor cleaners is a breeze.
Kevin Jones
Founder & Chief Home Organization Strategist
Home Organization & Decluttering, Efficient Cleaning Methods & Stain Removal, Sustainable Cleaning Practices, DIY Home Maintenance & Repairs, Space Optimization & Storage Solutions, Budget-Friendly Home Care Strategies
University of Texas at Austin
Kevin Jones is the Founder and Chief Home Organization Strategist at HomeCleaningForYou.com.
He earned a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design from the University of Texas at Austin, focusing on space planning and sustainable design. Specializing in home organization, decluttering, and budget-friendly home care, he helps homeowners create functional and stylish spaces.
Kevin has been featured in lifestyle publications and has collaborated with eco-friendly brands on home organization solutions. He shares his expertise through DIY guides, workshops, and online tutorials. Passionate about minimalism, he enjoys testing new organization methods and exploring sustainable living ideas.