Say Goodbye to Scratches on Laminate Floors: Simple Tricks To Learn
How to remove scratches from laminate flooring? Have you found the most effective method to remove scratches on the floor completely? Do not worry! You will learn tons of fantastic techniques and tutorials after reading this article.
Laminate flooring has unique characteristics compared to other types of flooring, so you need to apply specialized methods for laminate flooring to ensure the safety of your floor. Therefore, trust the effectiveness and safety of the ways below.
6 Core Factors Of Scratched Laminate Flooring
Laminate flooring is used by many people thanks to its durability and aesthetic factor. However, if you do not maintain it well, it will easily cause the floor to be scratched and damaged. Many different factors cause these scratches.
1. Pets Factor
Having pets in the house will scratch your laminate flooring. Pet claws are the leading cause in this case. Pets moving on the floor or using their claws to scratch the floor surface will cause unwanted blemishes.
To avoid scratching the floor by pets, you should create a separate pet area in the house or trim their claws regularly and take measures to train them.
2. Dust And Dirt From Your Shoes
Dirt from your shoes or feet will stick to the laminate flooring surface. When you use a broom to sweep the floor, you accidentally cause scratches to the floor. The hardness of shoes when you walk a lot on laminate flooring also makes the floor scratched easily.
To minimize this situation, you should put shoes outside before entering the house and only use specialized shoes for indoor use. Place a mat in front of the entrance to remove dust from your feet before entering the house.
3. Improper Moving Furniture Ways
Furniture is also a common trigger of this deplorable condition. Heavy furniture, when placed on laminate flooring without pads, will cause damage to the floor. In addition, improperly moving furniture by dragging them also causes the floor to be scratched.
Therefore, it is best to replace rugs or pads under the legs of the furniture to reduce the possibility of scratches and damage to the floor. You should lift the furniture a little and move it gently.
4. Using Too Much Water When Mopping
Laminate flooring will be easily damaged and scratched when you clean the floor with a lot of water. Cracks or gaps between 2 planks are favorable conditions for water to penetrate the laminate flooring and cause it to deteriorate.
You should mop the floor with a damp or dry mop to prevent this. In addition, using a spray bottle when cleaning the floor will reduce the amount of water in contact with the floor.
5. Choose The Wrong Cleaners For Laminate Flooring
Choosing the wrong detergent also causes the quality of the laminate flooring surface to degrade faster. Cleaning solutions containing soap or oil will leave residues on surfaces after cleaning and will form scratches over time.
You should choose a specialized cleaning solution for laminate flooring and avoid cleaning agents that contain a lot of oil, soap, and strong chemicals.
6. Clean The Floor With Vacuum Cleaner And Broom Too Much
People often use brooms and vacuum cleaners to clean laminate flooring regularly. However, overusing these 2 cleaning tools can cause your floors to be scratched and damaged. Therefore, you should use them periodically.
For vacuum cleaners, you should avoid using vacuum cleaners with brush rolls to prevent scratching the floor. When using a broom, you should use a soft broom for the floor. Also, a microfiber dust mop would be an elite option you should consider.
How Do You Discard Scratches From Laminate Flooring?
Removing scratches on laminate flooring is not complicated because you just need to know a few helpful methods and essential steps to do them. In addition, depending on the severity of the scratches, you will choose the appropriate techniques.
1. Prepare The Working Space By Cleaning Dirt
To avoid more severe floor scratches due to debris, dust, and rock on the floor surface, you should clean the floor thoroughly before discarding scratches. Note, for laminate flooring; it would be better if you did not sand the floor or use abrasive tools.
What You Need
- Vacuum cleaner
- Microfiber mop
- Mild laminate floor cleaner
- Warm water
- Microfiber cloth
- Step 1: Clean the floor surface with a vacuum cleaning or microfiber mop to remove loose dust on the floor. You should use a vacuum cleaner or microfiber mop carefully and gently to avoid scratching the floor.
- Step 2: After general cleaning the floor, you will mix mild laminate floor cleaner with warm water to make a cleaning solution.
- Step 3: Dip the mop in the cleaning solution.
- Step 4: Wring as much water out of the mop as possible.
- Step 5: Mop the laminate flooring to remove stubborn stains on the floor.
- Step 6: Use a microfiber cloth to dry the floor before removing scratches.
2. Methods To Discard The Light Scratches From Laminate Flooring
Light scratches caused by dirt and shoes can be quickly and easily resolved with the methods below. You should save these exemplary methods and instructions to apply right away.
Method 1: Use Filling Pencils And Markers
When you spot minor scratches, you can immediately think of filling pencils and markers. They are quick and convenient options for you. When working with pencils or markers, you do not need to do too complicated operations.
What you need
- A filling pencil
- A marker
- A cloth
- Step 1: You need to purchase the filling pencil or marker with the same color as the original laminate flooring.
- Step 2: After cleaning the floor and waiting for it to dry completely, you will use a marker or pencil to go over the scratches.
- Step 3: You will continue to repeat the above painting until you can no longer see the scratches.
- Step 4: Use a clean cloth to buff the scratch area to make the floor color even and blend together.
Learn how to use filler pencils and markers to discard scuff marks from laminate flooring.
Method 2: Use Melted Crayon
If you do not like using filling pencils and markers, you can opt for the melted crayons. With this option, you will have the opportunity to choose the colors you like and correspond to the laminate flooring color.
What you need
- Crayon
- Microwave
- Clean cloth
- Putty knife
- Toothpaste
- Clean water
- Step 1: Place the crayon in a microwave-safe bowl and wait 30 seconds for it to melt.
- Step 2: Put a few drops of melted crayon on the scratches.
- Step 3: Use a clean cloth to rub the melted crayon.
- Step 4: Smooth with a putty knife.
- Step 5: Wait until the melted crayon cools completely.
- Step 6: Put a little toothpaste on the spot to smooth the melted crayon.
- Step 7: Rinse the floor with clean water to remove excess melted crayon.
Method 3: Using Toothpaste
Do not just use toothpaste to clean your teeth, and you should try to remove scratches on laminate flooring. Toothpaste is a gel-like mixture of detergents, fluoride, and abrasives, so it effectively cleans teeth and floors (1).
Thanks to the toothpaste’s fine grain texture, you can use it to polish laminate flooring without harming the floor.
What you need
- Toothpaste
- Soft cloth
- Clean cloth
- Water
- Vinegar
● Step 1: Apply an appropriate amount of toothpaste to the scratches.
● Step 2: Use a soft cloth to scrub the scratches until no more scratches can be detected.
● Step 3: Wipe the floor again with a clean cloth to get rid of excess toothpaste.
● Step 4: Use the mixture of vinegar and water to clean the floor to remove all remaining residues.
Note: If you do not want to use toothpaste, you can use WD40 instead to get rid of scratches from laminate flooring. Don’t forget to wipe the floor afterward with the vinegar mixture also!
3. Techniques To Getting Rid Of Deep Scratches From The Floors
Do you know how to handle deep scratches on laminate flooring? Light scratches are easy to remove, and you can also discard deep scratches quickly. You will do this if you carefully read the instructions in this section.
Method 1: Use Colored Putty
A simple choice for you to treat scratches is to use colored laminate putty. There are many different colors to choose from to match the color of the original laminate flooring. This option is suitable for deep and wide scratches.
What you need
- Colored laminate putty
- Putty knife
- Clean cloth
- Step 1: Choose a color of putty that matches the color of your laminate flooring.
- Step 2: If you cannot buy a putty with a color that matches the floor color, you can add a little dye and use a putty knife to stir until you get the color you want. If you use a lot of pigment, the putty will be darker.
- Step 3: Use the edge of the putty knife to pick up the colored laminate putty.
- Step 4: Place the putty knife at a 45-degree angle to the floor.
- Step 5: Rub the putty knife over the scratches to spread the colored putty over the scratches. You will be scrubbing a couple of times, and it is a good idea to use plenty of putty for deep and severe scratches.
- Step 6: Tilt the putty knife and scrape the scratches to smooth the putty.
Note: You should use a plastic putty knife to avoid scratching the laminate flooring.
You should remove the knife in different directions and the putty as flat with the floor as possible.
You should use a new knife for this, and you also need to apply an adequate amount of putty to the scratches.
- Step 7: Wipe the work area with a clean cloth to remove excess putty on the floor surface. You should wipe as soon as possible because the putty only needs 30 minutes to harden. If you forget to wipe them, you can use soap and warm water to remove them.
- Step 8: Use a cloth to rub the area around the scratch to even out the color with the original floors.
- Step 9: Wait about 24 hours for the putty to dry completely.
Method 2: You Should Not Ignore Rubbing Alcohol And Vinegar
The combination of rubbing alcohol and vinegar is an immortal mixture in cleaning the floor. Both can help remove stubborn stains and deep scratches while keeping your laminate flooring safe. Learn the recipe below.
What you need
- Rubbing alcohol
- Vinegar
- Warm water
- Spray bottle
- Clean cloth
- Microfiber mop (optional)
- Dry cloth
- Step 1: Put warm water, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle in equal proportions.
- Step 2: Shake the spray bottle to mix the ingredients well.
- Step 3: Spray cleaning solution on scratches.
- Step 4: Use a clean cloth or microfiber mop to wipe and scrub the scratches.
- Step 5: After removing all the scratches, you will wipe the entire floor with a dry cloth.
Method 3: Vinegar And Ammonia (Pergo Laminate Flooring)
Since you have made a cleaning solution with vinegar and rubbing alcohol, why not try a combination of vinegar and ammonia. It is a combination of two elements, nitrogen and hydrogen (2). It will help you remove stubborn marks quickly.
What you need
- 1 cup vinegar
- 1-gallon water
- ½ cup ammonia
- A bucket
- Sponge
- Clean water
- Step 1: Pour water, ammonia, and vinegar into a bucket and stir well.
- Step 2: Dip the sponge in the bucket.
- Step 3: Wring all excess water out of the sponge.
- Step 4: Rub the sponge on the scratches.
- Step 5: Continue repeating the above process until there are no scratches left.
- Step 6: Wipe the floor again with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution.
- Step 7: Wait for the floor to dry completely.
Note: You should change the water when detecting that the cleaning solution is dirty. Do not clean the floor with a lot of water to avoid damaging the floor.
Method 3: Baking Soda And Warm Water
You should run to the supermarket and buy a baking soda can immediately when you discover scratches on the laminate flooring. This method is both simple, inexpensive, and gives perfect results. Do it now before it is too late.
What you need
- 2 tablespoon baking soda
- Warm water
- Non Abrasive cloth
- Clean cloth
- Step 1: Add baking soda to warm water and stir to form a cleaning paste.
- Step 2: Apply the paste to a nonabrasive cloth and rub over scratches.
- Step 3: Continue repeating until the scratches are completely removed.
- Step 4: Use a clean cloth to remove the excess baking soda from the floor.
Method 4: Apply Burn-In Sticks
When you buy a laminate floor repair kit, you may find burn-in sticks or wax filler sticks. This type exists in solid block form and needs to be melted down before being used on floors. You can choose the colors according to your taste or mix them.
What you need
- Wax filler sticks
- Burn-in knife
- Knife
- Putty knife
- Credit card (optional)
- Paper towel
- Step 1: Choose wax filler sticks that have the same color as the original floor.
- Step 2: Use a burn-in knife to melt filler sticks under high heat. You can heat a knife or metal and place it on the bars to melt them.
- Step 3: After the wax filler sticks have melted, use the tip of the knife to pick up the wax and press down on the scratch.
- Step 4: Rub wax over the scratches to fill them in. If the scratch is severe, you should use a lot of wax.
Note: You should use wax with the lightest to darkest color to create a color match with the floor.
You can put wax in a container to test the color before applying it to the floor.
- Step 5: Use a putty knife or credit card to smooth the wax filler to the surface of the floor.
- Step 6: Wait 30 seconds for the wax to cool completely.
- Step 7: Use the scraper to scrub the work area to remove excess wax.
- Step 8: Clean the floor with a paper towel and rub the area around the scratches to blend the color with the floor.
Method 5: Laminate Floor Scratch Repair Fillers
Laminate floor scratch repair fillers will work well for laminate floors with stubborn scuff marks. This type is also not limited to colors, so you are spoiled for choice to get the best color. You can easily use it, thanks to the nozzle.
What you need
- Laminate floor scratch filler
- Soft cloth
- Step 1: Squeeze a small amount of laminate floor scratch filler by hand along the edges of deep scrub marks. You should use a small amount and increase if necessary.
- Step 2: Use a soft cloth to wipe and blend filler to smooth the floor.
Remove the scratches from laminate flooring easily with laminate floor scratch repair fillers.
Method 6: Replace The Scratched Plank
If the condition of the scratches cannot be resolved with the above methods, you need to replace the scratched board with a new one. The operation to replace laminate flooring is pretty simple, so you can easily do it at home.
What you need
- Pry bar
- Electric sander
- Step 1: Determine the size of the board that needs to be replaced.
- Step 2: Select a new plank of similar size to the old board.
- Step 3: Leave the board in the room for 2 to 3 days to get used to the temperature and conditions inside the room.
- Step 4: Use the pry bar to remove the moldings at the base of the wall.
- Step 5: Push the laminate boards around to access the damaged plank area with the pry bar.
- Step 6: Remove the severely damaged board.
- Step 7: Use an electric sander to smooth the subfloor surface to be replaced.
- Step 8: Clean the subfloor with a vacuum cleaner.
- Step 9: Install the new board in the position to be replaced. You can fix it with glue or screws depending on the structure and model you choose.
- Step 10: Assemble the remaining planks back to the floor in their original state.
- Step 11: Install the baseboard to finish the laminate floor replacement process.
Laminate flooring replacement will be more accessible when following the instructions.
Tips To Keep Your Laminate Flooring Staying Away Scratches
Besides avoiding the causes that I have mentioned, you should take note of these helpful and fantastic tips to keep your laminate flooring from scratches. They are simple tips so you can remember and follow them easily.
- When cleaning laminate flooring, you should avoid abrasive tools and equipment, especially steel wool, because they will scratch your floor quickly.
- The best way to reduce floor scratches is to prevent direct contact with dirt, shoes, and other agents. To do this, you should use carpet to line the floor to protect its surface.
- You should set a rule not to bring shoes into the house to prevent scuff marks caused by shoes.The weight from the furniture will cause your floor to be damaged easily. Therefore, it is best to use pads on the bottom of the furniture to protect the floor. In addition, moving furniture needs to be careful and gentle.
- Removing dirt regularly is an effective way to keep floors scratch-free. However, you should clean the floor with specialized tools such as a soft brush, microfiber mop, and vacuum cleaner without brush rolls.
- You should control your pets and train them not to scratch their claws on the floor. In addition, if you want to be more secure, you should cut off all of your pet’s claws.
Questions related to removing scratches from laminate flooring will broaden your knowledge base. You will learn many new tips and methods through these questions.
Get A Shine And Smooth Laminate Floor Back
There are many simple and effective options to restore the shine and smoothness of your laminate flooring. If you are experiencing light or stubborn scratches, choose one of the methods above to discard them entirely.
Removing these scratches will be difficult when you first do it, so you can ask me if you are having trouble with the method and steps in the comments. I will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible. Thanks a lot!
- Toothpaste – Wikipedia.
- Ammonia – Wikipedia.
Samantha Lee
Head Cleaning Expert
Professional Home Cleaning, Green Cleaning Techniques, Stain Removal & Fabric Care, DIY Home Maintenance & Organization, Sustainable Cleaning Products, Home Care for Busy Lifestyles
University of Denver
Samantha Lee is the Head Cleaning Expert at, specializing in eco-friendly home care. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Denver, focusing on sustainable cleaning solutions.
With expertise in green cleaning, stain removal, and DIY home maintenance, she helps homeowners keep their spaces fresh and chemical-free. Samantha has been featured in lifestyle publications and has partnered with brands promoting natural cleaning products.
She also shares practical tips through her blog, online courses, and workshops. Passionate about sustainability, she enjoys testing new eco-friendly cleaning methods and spending time outdoors.